Overclocking update

One thing I have learned over the last week is that overclocking is challenging and somewhat addictive. I thought it was a simple tweak of the BIOS settings, but soon you find yourself tweaking the settings to try to get every last MHz out of your processor at the lowest possible voltage settings to avoid… Continue reading Overclocking update

Overlocking adventure

I have always been conservative when it comes to the stability of my computer systems. My reasoning is that I have invested too much money in the equipment to ruin it by being performance greedy. Today, though, I read an interesting article on Tom’s Hardware that convinced me to give overclocking a try. Motivation I… Continue reading Overlocking adventure

Categorized as Hardware

Computer upgrade status

On Tuesday, the new 500GB seagate hard drives arrived at the house. This was to be my first experience setting up drives in a RAID configuration let alone installing a windows operating system onto it — definitely a learning experience! Desired setup: RAID 0 (performance) using two 500GB hard drives for a total capacity of… Continue reading Computer upgrade status

Categorized as Hardware