New (to me) research bibliography tool

I have been a long time user of bibliography search engines such as citeseer, the ACM portal, IEEExplore, etc… but I have always turned to standalone software applications such as Endnote and JabRef to manage the articles I find. This summer I created my own web-based annotated bibliography tool and just barely got it off the ground before the need for it subsided. Now, tonight as I am organizing my references for an upcoming conference presentation, I just discovered a tool that surpasses the tool that I created and adds a social networking element. The website is called CiteULike (screenshot below) –
CiteULike social networking for academics

As far as I can tell, the only way to group entries in your library is by creating a special “group” where any registered member can join and post entries or by tagging each entry that you want to belong in a category with a special keyword. I have opted for the latter approach as I only want articles that I post to be in my reference library. The screenshot is showing a post that I just made. The site seems to be pretty response and there is an active bookmark link that you can add to your browser toolbar to quickly create a new bibliography entry from the page you are currently viewing.

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