Samford Homecoming Lecture: What in the world is happening in AI?

I gave a lecture today as part of the homecoming activities on the current impact of AI in both our world and in education. Going to write up more about it later, but it went well! Here are the powerpoint slides: And here is a link to the facebook live video: If the Facebook… Continue reading Samford Homecoming Lecture: What in the world is happening in AI?

homeGPT, cont’d

Stanford Alpaca takes the LLaMA pre-trained model released by the Meta AI and “fine-tunes” the model to respond better to natural language questions and prompts (exactly what chatGPT does). Note, the screenshot above is from LLaMA, not from Alpaca. This shows you the value that alpaca adds as the output from the example LLaMA is… Continue reading homeGPT, cont’d