Website development occupies a significant portion of my time spent working with computers as evidenced by the number of active research and teaching projects in which I am engaged. So any tool that can enhance my productivity in this area is greatly valued. Here is a sampling of the tools that I find useful in my day-to-day web development activities:
Eclipse – an open development platform (
- Free! (Other popular tools can cost $100+)
- Good CVS support for supporting collaborative projects with co-workers and students, maintaining version history, and enhancing portability of the entire development process (i.e., work from home, school, laptop on the road)
- Syntax highlighting for HTML, JS, and PHP files through the PDT project
- Document outline and quick navigation for JS and PHP files
Mozilla Firefox web browser (
- Syntax highlighting when viewing page source
- Excellent web developer tools add-on
- Easily inspect any HTML element rendered on a page
- Standards compliant
Windows Vista Snipping Tool (
- Easily capture screenshots for thumbnail links
- Used to create the thumbnails on this page
- Excellent for capturing a rendered page, editing with photoshop, and then using for demos and planning next steps in the design of the user interface
Microsoft Office OneNote (
- Keep a journal of software development activity within easy reach
- Easily work with screenshots during user interface design
- Organize software projects into separate notebooks
Adobe Photoshop CS2 (
- Expensive, but academic discounts available
- Save documents for the web in variety of formats (GIF, JPG, PNG)
- Easily import picture data from the clipboard into an image file
- Crop and resize images to specific dimensions, maintaining aspect ratio during the entire selection process
Happy website development, enjoy!